What is a Employee Verification Gap Check?

To ensure that there are no unexplained gaps in an employee’s work history and verify employment continuity.

Verification Process:

Gather Employment History

  • Collect detailed employment records, including joining and exit dates for each job.
  • Verify these details using resumes, applications, and supporting documents.

Identify Employment Gaps

  • Compare employment dates across previous jobs.
  • Highlight any gaps longer than a predefined threshold (e.g., 3 months).

Request Explanations for Gaps

  • Contact the candidate for clarification.
  • Acceptable reasons include higher education, personal development, medical leave, or other valid personal circumstances.

Verify Explanations

  • Cross-check with supporting documents (e.g., academic records, medical certificates, travel history, etc.).
  • Contact references if necessary.

Validate Employment with Previous Employers

  • Directly contact HR or managers to confirm employment dates and roles.
  • Request written verification where possible.

Document Findings

  • Maintain a structured record of findings, including explanations and verifications.
  • Flag unresolved gaps for further review.

Escalate Unverified Gaps

  • If an employment gap cannot be satisfactorily explained, escalate it to HR or relevant decision-makers..
  • Determine the impact on hiring decisions based on company policies.